Definitely not in a city.

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They don't notice.

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In my book about the end times (ie now) and new beginnings (a few decades into the future) the cities go first. They will implode quicker than a collapsing souflée. They are the bleeding edge of the Machine.

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My 94 year old Aunt is on state injectable no 7. She is going for Love Potion number 9…! 🙈😎🤣

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I have a 91 year old aunt on number 6

She’s in perfect health. I have to bite my tongue, I’ll never convince her now.

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Me neither Jo…! 😎🤩

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Imaginary Rumours. An Ancient Primordial Instinct

Have you considered the possibility of 'visionary rumours'?

These are fabricated events, created at a systemic level, to present the world with unavoidable existential moments.

They are not created by a cabal of wealth and power. But by an unconscious collective, or the 'great masse'.

Ten thousand years ago or more, every day was a matter of existence and protecting oneself and family from very real danger a primary duty. It was normal to live with very serious daily threat.

The ability to survive under these conditions was a skill or almost a genetic trait. Those with more of it tended to live.

Roll on civilisation and today where the productive power of the economy is so high that no level of stupidity seems to be able to bring it down. Better still there are no longer any existential threats today except for those we create ourselves out of nowhere.

Now. We still possess those ancient genes. And they still very much need satisfying. To satisfy a 'need' for existential threats and danger. To make us scared in the way we used to be so that we're well prepared. To cause us to fight each other still when there's no need nor any shortage of anything.

These are those 'imaginary rumours' created by the great masse of people, unconsciously, to satisfy this primordial instinct no longer required. These rumours mean everything to the collective. But cannot be studied or measured because they are unconscious activities.

Remember the pandemic? What about climate change doctrine. And phoney wars. They are all visionary rumours. Fabricated out of nothing to satisfy a primordial instinct. To create danger, threat and fear, when none is being created naturally any more.

I'm not saying they're a good or bad thing or that something should be done about it. I am just pointing at them in case your mind is open enough to look at them yourself and see what you think. The idea of them fits more than imagining billions of people are asleep or there's a cabal of wealth and power driving the stupid problems we freely create.

The whole conditions the parts. The parts do not make the whole. The collective is taking action as a whole. But it's not aware of itself doing that

Thought creates an image of the world. Then thought worships the image it created. The individual is not aware of this 'movement of thought'.

Thought is the great masse itself. Immensely power, yet not aware of if itself.

Let me know what you think?

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I understand the principle (akin to Jungian synchronicities?) but if mass man craves an existential threat, why wouldn’t the powerful exploit this craving? When did the will to power die? And what is an existential threat, but fear of death, and how have we overcome it? Not by faith in the eternal, but by a materialist grasping at corporeality, that has seen us surrender charge of our bodies, to the State and to Corporate interests, surrender our personality to the collective, and denigrate ourselves from a person into mass man? I agree that threats can be fabricated out of nothing. Absolutely. But this fabrication can be deliberate - ‘man made’. And I don’t mean in a lab, I mean in the Story of a Lab Leak etc. I think the problem is that our human image and world image have been corrupted by a false paradigm wherein we are an animal, and our environment is a commodity, there is no memory, only “progress”. This is the threat. And we should be wary of it. Maybe. Haha. Need to have a think. Thank you for your message. Really interesting. XX

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Magic has been defined as "the art of causing changes in consciousness according to will".

Are we living in a simulation?


The Group Mind is understood by practicing occultists.


Though it can be so used, magic is not evil in itself. There are higher planes than the mental, and to which they are subject.

"...whatever the outer manifestation of the corruption of intellectual life in the misapplication of science and technology, the real battle takes place on inner levels, both spiritual and psychic." -- Gareth Knight, in his analysis of "That Hideous Strength" by C.S. Lewis; https://www.google.co.uk/books/edition/The_Magical_World_of_the_Inklings/35i6GHWBpf0C?hl=en&gbpv=1&pg=PA53&printsec=frontcover

"When they said repent, repent; I wonder what they meant."


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Thank you for your considered response. Most people think I'm mad and censor me.

Dare I say humbly you are presupposing power is something wielded by something or someone not already being led by the 'need'. It's circular reasoning maybe?

My point is to say power IS that - everyone taking part in it's abuse. Not a cabal we can project onto as an easy escape. Sure there are shits all over the place. But **we** have the ultimate power.

God became man, in Christ, so that he could become aware of himself and his own power. The book of Job. The last of the old testament.

BTW I heard you several times on Dellingpod, for reference. You are the best speaker he gets on. It's clear you're deadly serious about it so respect!

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I am reminded of an essay by Evola entitled "The Advent of the 'Fifth Estate'". ( It can be found in the following book: https://pdfcoffee.com/guide-9-recognitionspdf-pdf-free.html )

The Four estates being: 1/ Spiritual and sacral authority; 2/ The warrior aristocracy; 3/ The bourgeoisie; 4/ The working masses.

Evola sees a regression of social organisation where once at the summit of hierarchy stood the masters vested with spiritual authority (ultimately from God); the pyramid now having crumbled with a descent from one to the next of the four levels.

The French Revolution – a revolution of the Third Estate with the effective masters becoming the lords of money, the "kings" of coal, steel, oil, etc.

The Bolshevik Revolution – a revolution of the Fourth Estate, although I don't think the masses are actually masters of much but rather subject to propaganda – the technocrats that wield the instruments of it, and those that employ them.


In fact they are cultivated to be pretty vacuous:

"A second consequence of the application of propaganda techniques is the creation of a kind of manipulability of the masses... According to Monnerot, propaganda technique 'has for its object the production and cultivation among the masses of certain *predispositions* and a special facility for doing at a given moment whatever is strategically opportune. As political circumstances change, it is necessary at intervals to cultivate successive predispositions.' This is a remarkable notion; the use of certain propaganda techniques is not meant to entail immediate and definitive adhesion to a given formula, but rather to bring about a kind of long-range vacuity of the individual. The individual, his soul massaged, emptied of his natural tendencies, and thoroughly assimilated to the group, is ready for anything. Propaganda’s chief requirement is not so much to be rational, well grounded, and powerful as it is to produce individuals especially open to suggestion who can be easily set into motion." -- Jacques Ellul; https://archive.org/details/JacquesEllulTheTechnologicalSociety/page/n405/mode/2up

What might the next step be?

"The four-part descent in level of civilization and of social organizations is a reality; likewise is the emergence, upon the point of reaching the final step, of the nether forces, the forces of chaos, which in a certain sense cannot be said to belong to the properly human world, and which can perhaps best be comprehended by the formula of the advent of the Fifth Estate."

I remember also Eric Voegelin who disputed the notion Hitler had any "will to power", since it was not "Will" in the classical and Christian sense. Rather, he said Hitler had an extraordinarily "existence­-intensive libido".


I think "libido dominandi" may be the term Augustine would have used.

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I think social organisation has neither advanced nor regressed over the past ten thousand years. All that has changed is the productive power of the economy, which has grown to staggering levels. The distribution of that newly created wealth is no more or less unjustly distributed, the injustice has always been about the same. Evola's own visionary rumour that the world is collapsing or regressing fits perfectly into the psychoanalytical hypothesis, creating existential fear once again when there's no reason for it.

God is dead. We have killed him. And with what shall we wash our hands of all the blood?

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Evola was influenced by Guenon. Your remarks also remind me of something he wrote.


The material world could not be sustained without the spiritual, but he symbolically speaks of a "Great Wall" dividing the "cosmos" (or in this context the corporeal world) from the "outer darkness". Normally it would protect the world from the intrusion of malefic influences coming from the inferior subtle domain, but allow communication with superior domains. In the modern period this is not the case and there is a "shell" with no outlet built by materialism. Guenon predicts the "fissures" will occur first at the base, while the "shell" remains intact overhead…

For Evola psychoanalysis is part of the subversion:

"…authority has been stripped from the conscious principle of the person and the subconscious, the irrational, the ‘collective unconscious’, and similar ideas from psychoanalysis and analogous schools have been given prominence in its place. In the individual, these correspond exactly to what in the modern social and historical world is represented by the crisis, the movement from below, subversion, the revolutionary substitution of the higher by the lower, and the contempt for every principle of authority present in the modern social and historical world." -- https://archive.org/details/JuliusEvolaAHandbookForRightWingYouth193319742017Pdf/page/n23/mode/2up

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Is the intellect being used here, to 'escape' again? Rather than throw your hero's quotes over the fence, what is your view - the view you see in front of your face when the intellect and all belief has been suspended for long enough to observe the movement of thought?

That is to say, what images does the thought leading your mind create and then worship? I've demonstrated mine - those I've arrived at independently, which by coincidence harmonise similarly with the images of others. This independent harmony tends to reinforce them though that is not at all certain.

I see thought as separate from the body or person, not sourced in the self. And I see this thought 'being', 'moves' making its activity hard to follow, and is unaware of itself doing that. God becoming man in Christ. A bit like a powerful God or despotic father figure. And enormous attention must be paid to watching it move. It does not like being observed.

Have a go at it yourself and let me know how the experiment goes for you too. Source it yourself.

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Use the links to discover more from what articulate, knowledgeable authors have already realised about our predicament. They are well aware of the esoteric. My own experiences are personal.

Things are not fine, the danger is real – and it is more serious than a primitive being killed by a lion or something, our "civilisation" threatens the soul.

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It's a scary ask I make. The possibility that "I am the world". It belongs to me. And I created it and everything in it. Otherwise everything is fine?

Very scary. A slave cannot possibly accept this.

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Visionary Rumours. I've respun this hypothesis. With more detail and analysis. Response so far has been dismissal out of hand. I can understand why. It takes courage even to think about. Because one can no longer project blame onto those it most easily sticks to. And one has to look in the mirror, seriously fir the very first time.


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Yes, natural instincts are being used and perverted; yes, there is a Group Mind – but it is being manipulated, it has not been formed accidentally.

A couple of Bertrand Russell quotes from "The Impact of Science on Society"; (1952):

"It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment."

"Fichte laid it down that education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished."

Adam Curtis did an interesting documentary series about this sort of thing:


It was aired on the BBC though, so you're not likely to get the whole truth from it.

As far as responsibility goes – yes, your mind should be your own and it is up to you to tend and to guard it – but the indoctrination these days is such that many people may simply be incapable of doing so.

We know full well about government "nudge units" and such that are effectively used to conduct psychological warfare upon the public…

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Talking of psychological warfare, here is an interview with a professional:


"What [ideological subversion] basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country."

"The result?… They are contaminated; they are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. You cannot change their mind[s], even if you expose them to authentic information, even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still cannot change the basic perception and the logic of behaviour. In other words, these people… the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible…"

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Hello, heard you and Alistair Williams are doing a comedy night on Oct 12th 2024. Please could you point me in the right direction to book tickets? Haven’t been able to find any links.

Thank you 😊

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With a mind and heart like yours, you can be anywhere and serve and be served by the truth. Beautiful and unassailable writing (and thinking).

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