Amazing isn’t it?! When one Inner-Stands ,that we have been speaking babble all our lives, the better we will be. Merriam-Webster dictionaries/the encyclopaedia Brittanica of arts and sciences, as well as Blacks Law, all have differing interpretations of words.It’s quite the proverbial rabbit hole! We have been unwittingly snared, into a system of language & linguistics, where the wording /meaning,changes,depending on where one speaks or writes it and it what situation. Some of the Best examples I can show to substantiate this claim, have came from extensive research into “legalese”. The 17th edition of the Chicago manual of styles, shows us how we have been had! It is on page 666 Of this style manual! Here is the proof
I think everyone should just shut the fuck up. Most of our words are delusional and paranoid productions of the left hemisphere gone totally out of control. Let the quiet, observant, non-judgemental right hemisphere take charge for a while. Just listen.
Nice one Tania…!
Hugely intelligent & absolutely prescient!
this is my favorite so far!
Amazing isn’t it?! When one Inner-Stands ,that we have been speaking babble all our lives, the better we will be. Merriam-Webster dictionaries/the encyclopaedia Brittanica of arts and sciences, as well as Blacks Law, all have differing interpretations of words.It’s quite the proverbial rabbit hole! We have been unwittingly snared, into a system of language & linguistics, where the wording /meaning,changes,depending on where one speaks or writes it and it what situation. Some of the Best examples I can show to substantiate this claim, have came from extensive research into “legalese”. The 17th edition of the Chicago manual of styles, shows us how we have been had! It is on page 666 Of this style manual! Here is the proof
I think everyone should just shut the fuck up. Most of our words are delusional and paranoid productions of the left hemisphere gone totally out of control. Let the quiet, observant, non-judgemental right hemisphere take charge for a while. Just listen.
And keep up the good work 😊
The insidious creep of globalism is everywhere, and is more blatant than ever!